Weybridge Baha'i Community

Elmbridge borough council has divided the borough in to over 20 wards. The Weybridge Baha'i community consists of Baha'is residents in Weybridge, Oatlands and Burwood park.

The small but active community currently holds regular childrens classes, devotional meetings and community meetings on a regular basis. There are also Junior Youth classes in neighboring communities which the Weybridge community support.

Children's Classes

Children's Classes are aimed at Young children between ages of 5 to 12. Classes have one or two facilitators who organise the schedule, and maintains a consultative approach to learning. This encourages participation by children to discuss, absorb and learn new information.

Classes are organised by facilitators and the objective of classes are to encourage the youth to reflect, contemplate and analyse the many different aspects of the world they live in. The wide range of subjects covered in classes includes:

  • Development of moral virtues - Truthfulness, honesty, uprightness, cleanliness, assertiveness, trustworthiness, confidence
  • Intellectual development - Numbers, Letters, Geography, National and International History, Money matters
  • Social development - Social interaction, Public speaking, Group Organisation, Group activity
  • Learning and Memorising prayers - these include prayers from Baha'i writings for children
  • Sport and physical activities - organize by cooperation of parents and volunteers

Junior Youth Classes

Junior Youth classes are aimed at youth between ages of 12 to 15. This is a crucial age when the youth seek further independence from their peers in making decisions which affect their future.

Classes are organized by facilitators and the objective of classes are to encourage the youth to reflect, contemplate and analyse the many different aspects of the work they live in. The activities undertaken by youth involve discussions, sport and artistic activities to help different individuals to develop their inmost talents.

Baha'is of Weybridge support our neighboring Junior Youth Classes on weekly basis and all local youth are welcome to join. Please contact us for further information and time tables.