Earth is One Country and Mankind its Citizens

Baha'u'llah taught "The Earth is One Country and Mankind its Citizens". Baha'i teachings are aimed at creating better peaceful communities, whether in local, national or international arenas of human life.

Baha'is celebrate the diversity of mankind, uphold the oneness of religion and maintain that all messengers of God, whether Christ, Mohammad, Moses, Budha or Baha'u'llah are send by the same and only ONE God.

Baha'u'llah encouraged Baha'is to live a life of service to their communities, that through their "example of unfettered love and devotion to their fellow man, a new race of man may arise, unparalleled in moral conduct, unsurpassed in spiritual, intellectual and social conduct"

In Weybridge, the small but active Baha'i community arrange regular monthly devotional meetings, where social, intellectual, spiritual subjects are discussed, investigated and spirit of fellowship and community building are developed.

We encourage anyone to join us and warmly welcome new faces at all meetings. If you would like to join us, just contact our secretary.